ENformer – April 2024

Eastern National 2023 Annual Awards
Eastern National’s Annual Awards highlight excellence in performance and partnership. The awards program was designed to acknowledge outstanding Individual contributions that have had a positive impact on an Eastern National operation or individual park, thus furthering and promoting EN’s unique relationship with its partners.
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2023 Eastern National Annual Report Now Available
We are excited to share that the Fiscal Year 2023 Eastern National Annual Report is now available. Check out the highlights of our parks and partners from a record-setting year!
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Check Out the Arrowhead Store!
The Arrowhead Store is the only place for NPS staff, V.I.P.s, cooperating association staff, Friends Group staff, and other park partners to find Arrowhead-branded gear, apparel, and more.
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Eastern National Board Welcomes Two New Members
Eastern National is pleased to announce that Michael Shade and Jeff Lindeman have recently joined EN’s board of directors. EN’s board steers the organization toward a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure EN has adequate resources to advance its mission. Volunteer board members may serve up to two four-year terms.
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Park Store Design Update
Each park store renovation is an opportunity to extend the educational experience into the retail environment and create a fresh, modern, and functional look. Throughout 2023 and 2024, we have been completing several new store renovations including Antietam National Battlefield, Pea Ridge National Military Park, New River Gorge National Park and Preserve, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, and John F Kennedy National Historic Site.
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NPS Revolutionary War Pension Project
The National Park Service and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) are collaborating on a special project to transcribe the pension records of more than 80,000 of America’s first veterans and their widows. The project will make a permanent contribution to the historical record for the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. This builds on the strengths of both agencies, using the power of the NPS brand to recruit transcribers while making primary source material accessible to the public.
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