National Park Service Advisory Group
The National Park Service (NPS) Advisory Group provides an effective link between the NPS and the EN Board, imparting valuable input on critical issues from the field affecting the association, and providing input to the Executive Committee on the current direction of EN in relation to its mission. Committee members also serve as ambassadors to the NPS, and the Group’s contribution serves to provide visitors to America’s national parks with a positive and enriching experience.

Justin Monetti
Regional Interpretation and Education Program Manager - Interior Region 1, National Capital Area

Beth Wright
Chief of Interpretation and Resource Management, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park - Interior Region 2

Rhonda Schier
Superintendent, Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial - Interior Region 3

Kelli English
Program Manager, Cooperating Associations and Partnerships -Interpretation, Education and Volunteers Washington Support Office

Rick Slade
Superintendent, Catoctin Mountain Park Interior Region 1, National Capital Area

Chris Hughes
Superintendent, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and Fort Caroline National Memorial Interior Region 2, Southeast

Julie Galonska
Superintendent Lowell National Historical Park Interior Region 1, Northeast