Several Eastern National PLA representatives. Left to right: Jason Scarpello, creative director, Megan Shelley Cartwright, chief operating officer, Kevin Kissling, president and CEO, Julianna Haviv, product development manager, Meredith McClatchy, director of human resources.
PLA Conference 2018: EN Participates in Knowledge Sharing, Presents New Products
Eastern National representatives attended the 2018 Public Lands Alliance Conference and Trade Show in Palm Springs in February to participate in educational sessions and introduce new products to wholesale customers.
Sessions presented by Eastern National staff highlighted opportunities for 2018. Director of Human Resources Meredith McClatchy led an interactive session called “Leveraging Your Greatest Asset – People” to help attendees define strategies for fostering talent in their organizations and ensuring that staff are aligned with strategic goals. A session called “Developing Cooperating Association Annual Operating Plans” was hosted by Megan Shelley Cartwright, chief operating officer, and offered attendees foundational information about the role that annual operating plans play. Creative Director Jason Scarpello and Product Development Manager Julianna Haviv both participated in panels focused on product development and vendor management.
Meanwhile, “We’ve been waiting for something like this!” was a common refrain at the Eastern National trade show booths as attendees perused the new additions to EN’s signature Passport To Your National Parks® product line. Mark Vineburg, operations support manager, reports that the Passport Classic Edition Expander Pack and Passport Junior Ranger Edition were major conversation starters as buyers considered how to prepare for the upcoming peak travel season. To learn more about EN’s new products or place a wholesale order, contact wholesale@easternnational.org or call 877-NAT-Park.