Jessica Green, director, Outer Banks Forever
Jessica Green Hired as Outer Banks Forever Director
October 2018
Eastern National is pleased to announce that Jessica Green has been hired as the director for Outer Banks Forever, EN’s new philanthropic branch that supports the Outer Banks Group: Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial. Outer Banks Forever will provide philanthropic partnership support, connect visitors to the Outer Banks parks, and serve as a hub for other organizations that wish to provide support for the parks. Read more…
Jessica has over 10 years of professional experience leading strategic fundraising and marketing efforts in the nonprofit sector and holds a master’s degree in nonprofit management and leadership from the University of San Diego. Jessica first became aware of the public lands and park partner niche of the nonprofit sector in 2015, when she had the opportunity to combine her appreciation and love for our national parks with her fundraising expertise as director of philanthropy at Shenandoah National Park Trust.
“I love working to support our national parks, and the Outer Banks has always been a big part of my life,” says Jessica. “So many people love and want to protect what’s unique about the Outer Banks, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to help them do that through Outer Banks Forever.”
The launch of Outer Banks Forever and hiring of a director have been strategic priorities for Eastern National. “When we began discussing an updated Eastern National strategic plan, we knew that exploring fundraising opportunities would be key to serving our park partners in new ways in the future,” says Kevin Kissling, Eastern National president and CEO. “It is our hope that, long term, the Outer Banks Forever model can be replicated for other parks in the future as we work with our partners to meet their evolving needs.”