This fall, Eastern National begins phase two of the implementation of a realignment of its regions to better serve our staff and partners. Phase two will impact the parks EN serves in the Midwest and Northeast regions. Over the next few weeks, a new Eastern National Midwest Region will be created that will contain nine units of the NPS Midwest Region.
As part of the Midwest Region realignment, on November 20, 2017, Eastern National welcomed Cindy Piccolo as the new Midwest regional manager (read more on Cindy in the article below). Cindy will become directly responsible for the following sites in Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, Missouri, and Iowa:
* Harry S Truman National Historic Site
* Homestead National Monument of America
* Niobrara National Scenic River
* Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve
* Minuteman Missile National Historic Site
* Ozark National Scenic Riverways
* Herbert Hoover National Historic Site
* Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield
* Effigy Mounds National Monument
These locations were previously managed by EN Southern Regional Manager Helena Adcock and EN Great Lakes Regional Manager Cathy Nagle-Ervin. The Southern Region will now include parks primarily in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. The Great Lakes Region will now include parks primarily in Minnesota, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
By realigning the regions, there will be a tighter geographic focus for each regional manager. Phase one of this realignment was completed earlier this year, which resulted in the addition of the newly formed Appalachia Region and shifted the EN regional borders throughout parks in the Southeast. More information on phase one can be found here.
“We’ll continue to strengthen our region structure over the next two years,” said Megan Cartwright, director of retail. “As we reduce the size of our geographic regions, we can further develop our management team while ensuring the success of our mission delivery and growth.”
Our Funds at Work: Eastern National and James A. Garfield National Historic Site
Eastern National Co-Sponsors Antietam National Cemetery Lecture Series