Visitors to Cumberland Gap National Historical Park’s Back the BEARS event were invited to take bear selfies. Photo: NPS
Eastern National and Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Back the BEARS
The weather is warming, and black bears are coming out of hibernation (or, more accurately, “torpor”) – and they are hungry! This spring, EN teamed up with Cumberland Gap National Historical Park to support Back the BEARS, an event to encourage visitors to Be Educated And Responsible Stewards.
More than 500 visitors were in attendance this year, shattering the park’s previous record from 2015. During the event, kids were invited to hear exciting real-life stories of black bear encounters and examine bear skulls and pelts to learn about the animal’s amazing adaptations. Kim DeLozier, retired chief wildlife biologist from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, regaled everyone with tales from his book Bear in the Back Seat: Adventures of a Wildlife Ranger during his keynote session. Visitors also attended seminars on current bear management practices, technology used to track bear populations, and bear rehabilitation efforts at the Appalachian Bear Rescue.
Click here to learn how you, too, can be bear aware before hitting the trail this summer!