Eastern National 2021 Award Winners Announced
Eastern National’s annual awards highlight excellence in performance and partnership. The awards program was designed to acknowledge outstanding individual achievements and contributions that have had a positive impact on an Eastern National operation or an individual park, thus furthering and promoting EN’s unique relationship with its partners.
The CHARLES S. MARSHALL UNIT AWARD recognizes the most outstanding agency that has achieved noteworthy teamwork in promoting and aiding the historical, scientific, educational, interpretive and operational activities of our partners through EN agency operation. The 2021 Award recipient is WASO Interpretation, Education, and Volunteers Directorate.
The SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE AWARD recognizes outstanding partner support of an Eastern National agency. They are awarded annually to the top four outstanding partner personnel, regardless of agency size. The 2021 Superior Performance Awards were presented to:
Joseph Brehm, Chief of Interpretation at Minuteman Missile NHS, for his commitment to partnerships and Eastern National’s mission. When labor challenges prevented us from fully staffing the park store, Joe provided recommendations for recruitment and support. He also had his team continue covering the store during the season and achieved a 30% increase over 2019 sales.
Sarah Cunningham, Superintendent of Wilson’s Creek NB, for her creativity and extraordinary effort in supporting EN’s Return to the Summit. Sarah joined the park in the middle of a multiyear visitor center renovation. Her collaborative approach to executing the project was the key to its success. Sarah recognized the expense challenges we faced with this project and encouraged her team to support a creative store design and store set up and product approvals. In the first month the store surpassed June 2019 sales by nearly 50%.
John C. Curwen, Program Manager for Visitor Experience and Engagement at Boston NHP, for his Creativity and Extraordinary Effort in Supporting EN’s Return to the Summit. John collaborated with Eastern National to reopen two of the Boston NHP park stores, Bunker Hill and Charlestown Navy Yard, in 2020. However, the City of Boston did not allow for the reopening of Faneuil Hall due to the extra operational and cost considerations with managing schools and hospitals in the city. When city mandates lifted, John led onsite and virtual meetings to demonstrate safe reopening of federal buildings and to advocate for the financial recovery of partners like Eastern National. His leadership influenced the reopening of Faneuil Hall in summer 2021.
Laura Miller, Superintendent at Hot Springs NP for her Commitment to Partnership and EN’s Mission. Hot Springs National Park celebrated their 100th Anniversary this year. Laura’s leadership and commitment to community involvement allowed Eastern National an advanced opportunity to be involved with Centennial meetings and activities. The use of the Centennial logo in site-specific product development contributed to a 55% increase over 2019 sales and a record year for the Hot Springs park store.
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS recognize significant active service at a high level of excellence that has resulted in substantial contributions to EN. Distinguished Service Awards were presented to…
- Gerry Gabrys, EN Board Member
- Dusty Shultz, EN Board Member
- Becky Burke, EN Regional Manager
CHAIRMAN’S AWARDS recognize significant active service at a high level of excellence earning recognition from both partners and the Board of Directors. The inaugural Chairman’s Award was presented to Kevin Kissling, President & CEO.
SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS recognize exceptional performance in the area of store operations and partner relations. Awards were presented to the following EN employees:
- Julie Bodenheimer, Store Manager at Tuskegee Airman National Historic Site
- Hannah Bolton, Store Manager at Cape Lookout National Seashore
- Lyne Bradley, Midwest Regional Manager
- Julianna Haviv, Merchandise Manager
- Karen Jaggars, Store Manager at Shiloh National Military Park
- Taymi Maldonado, Interpretive Programs Manager at El Yunque National Forest
- Bucky Monreal, Store Manager at Hot Springs National Park
- Latisha Pippen, Store Manager at Pea Ridge National Military Park
- Corinna Richards, Director of Retail, North
- Paul Tiemann, Store Manager at Boston National Historical Park
- Logan Willis, Store Manager at Wright Brothers National Memorial

Eastern National Safety Team (left to right) Mark Vineburg, Andrea Singmaster, Megan Shelley, Meredith McClatchy, Amber Houske.
A Group Special Achievement Award was presented to the Eastern National Safety Team:
- Amber Houske, Training Manager
- Meredith McClatchy*, Director of Human Resources
- Megan Shelley*, Chief Operating Officer
- Andrea Singmaster, HR and Benefits Coordinator
- Mark Vineburg, Operations Manager
* Co-Champions